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The Wilhite Law Firm

3500 Oak Lawn Avenue

Suite 740

Dallas, TX 75219

Phone: 214-888-8080

Personal Injury Attorney in Dallas

A photo of Dallas, where The Wilhite Law Firm personal injury office is located.

Our Dallas personal injury law firm has the experience and resources needed to build a strong, compelling claim for financial recovery on your behalf. From investigating the accident to negotiating aggressively for a settlement to taking the liable party to court, we are prepared to fight for your rights.

Utilizing state-of-the-art technology and drawing on the expertise of our seasoned Dallas personal injury lawyers, we meticulously analyze every aspect of your case. Our approach is holistic and specifically tailored to the unique circumstances of each client’s situation. As your dedicated legal advocates, we tirelessly work to secure the maximum compensation you are entitled to receive, emphasizing our local knowledge and legal expertise in the Dallas area.

Throughout the legal process, our Dallas personal injury attorneys will provide the personalized, attentive service you deserve. We’ll always make ourselves available to answer your questions and ensure you know what to expect next. Contact one of our dedicated Dallas personal injury attorneys at The Wilhite Law Firm today for a free case review.

Why Choose Us?

In the overwhelming aftermath of a severe accident, finding the right legal support is crucial to maximizing your chances of a full recovery. Here’s why you should choose a Dallas personal injury lawyer from The Wilhite Law Firm for your case:

  • Personalized and compassionate service – Our firm has grown significantly since 1977, but our commitment to compassionate, individualized service has never wavered. Our expansion into Dallas by Majority Owner and Texas native Rob Wilhite brings a local, understanding presence. You’re not just a case number to us. You’re a person who deserves personalized attention and care. Our clients appreciate our approachable style and dedication to staying in constant communication.
  • Aggressive advocacy with proven results – We don’t shy away from tough battles with big insurance companies. Our Dallas personal injury attorneys and supportive staff are well-versed in the tactics these companies use to minimize claims. We fight tirelessly to protect your rights and work hard to demand the fair compensation you deserve for your injuries. Our track record speaks volumes about our ability to help clients reclaim their lives.
  • Extensive experience and team support – Our team includes 26 dedicated lawyers and over 90 skilled staff members. We handle cases like yours every day, employing our deep understanding and professional skills to advocate for your recovery and well-being. From legal strategy to administrative support, our team works seamlessly to manage every detail of your claim.
  • Strong values – The foundation of our practice is our unwavering commitment to five core values: Determination, Empathy, Teamwork, Professionalism, and Honesty. These principles guide every decision and interaction, ensuring that our clients receive the best possible representation.
  • Accessibility and commitment – We make ourselves readily available to our clients. We understand the frustration of not being able to reach your lawyer, which is why we prioritize clear, consistent communication. Our clients feel reassured knowing they can reach us whenever they need to talk or have questions about their case.

Choosing The Wilhite Law Firm means partnering with a team that truly cares about your recovery and fights for your rights with passion and dedication. Don’t face this challenging time alone – let our skilled team advocate for you while you focus on healing.

The Personal Injury Process

Knowing what you’re in for can make a personal injury case easier on you, as you have an idea of what’s coming and where you are in the process. While the timeline of every personal injury case is different, most cases follow the same basic steps:

  • Consultation with an attorney – Your journey starts with a meeting with one of our personal injury lawyers. During this free initial consultation, you’ll share the details of your accident. Our lawyer will evaluate your case, explain your legal options, and discuss the next steps if you decide to proceed.
  • Investigation of your case – If you choose to work with us, our team will start gathering evidence. This includes collecting police reports, medical records, and witness statements. We might also work with accident reconstruction experts or medical professionals to build a strong foundation for your claim.
  • Filing the claim – Once we have all the necessary information, we’ll file an insurance claim against the liable party on your behalf. This involves submitting formal documents outlining the harm you’ve suffered and the compensation we believe you deserve under Texas personal injury law.
  • Negotiations – After we file your claim, the insurance company will review it and typically make a settlement offer. Most cases settle at this stage. Our skilled negotiators work to ensure that the settlement offer covers all your needs, including medical expenses, lost wages, and compensation for your intangible losses like pain and suffering.
  • Filing a lawsuit – If the insurance company refuses to offer a fair settlement, we will discuss the option of filing a personal injury lawsuit. This step involves filing a petition with the court to pursue compensation. 
  • Discovery phase – During this phase, both sides exchange information and evidence. It’s a critical part of the process, as it allows each party to learn about the other side’s case so they can strategize how to present their own. Discovery can include depositions, where witnesses answer questions under oath, acquiring additional documentation and evidence, and independent medical evaluations.
  • Mediation and negotiation – Before the trial, there’s often a mediation session where both sides meet with a neutral third party to try to resolve the case without going to court. Many cases are resolved at this stage to avoid the uncertainty of a trial.
  • Trial – If a settlement isn’t reached, the case goes to trial. Our lawyers will present your case, argue on your behalf, and strive to achieve the best possible outcome for you.
  • Verdict and settlement – The trial concludes with a verdict. The judge or jury determines if the defendant is liable and, if so, how much they should pay you. If the verdict is in your favor, the compensation typically comes from the liable party’s insurance company.

How Do I Know If I Have a Case?

Most personal injury claims in Texas arise from the fact that someone’s actions, inaction, or wrongdoing caused the accident that injured you. That means you must show what caused the accident. In some cases, someone’s negligence will be the cause, such as in a car accident caused by a drunk driver. In other cases, the cause may be a design flaw in a product that injured you when you used it as intended. The design flaw makes the designer or manufacturer of the product liable for your injury. Or perhaps you were bitten by a dog whose owner knew it had a tendency to bite. In that situation, the dog’s owner would automatically be responsible for your injuries and losses.

If you can show that someone’s actions caused your injury and you suffered losses as a result, you likely have a valid personal injury claim. Our attorneys can evaluate your situation and tell you whether you have cause for legal action.

Awards & Recognition
Fee: $3,600,000.00
Cost: $189,308.00
Fee: $1,000,000.00
Cost: $29,824.00
Fee: $784,000.00
Cost: $226,650
Fee: $460,000.00
Cost: $57,500.00

See What Clients Say About 
The Wilhite Law Firm

  • Nikki B —  Couldn’t say enough good things about The Wilhite Law firm!! They provide Outstanding customer care and make you feel heard and understood!
  • Wayo Mims I was really pleased with working with the Wilhite Law Firm. Really patient and understanding to deal with and i feel like my interests were always accounted for.
  • Santi Álvarez Everyone in the office made me feel valued. They helped me achieve a great result after such a difficult situation.


How Can Our Dallas Personal Injury Lawyers Help You?

If you have been harmed due to someone else’s negligence, do not hesitate to consult with a personal injury attorney as soon as possible. At The Wilhite Law Firm, our injury attorneys are ready to:

  • Searching icon

    Investigate the accident

    Our attorneys have the resources and skills needed to launch an independent investigation into the accident. While you recover from your injuries, we will do the legwork to thoroughly investigate the cause of your accident and injuries.

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    Collect evidence

    As part of our investigation, we will gather evidence to support and strengthen your claim. This may include surveillance footage of the accident, testimony from any witnesses, the police report or incident report, and more. We can also consult with accident reconstruction experts, traffic engineers, doctors, and other specialists whose testimony may bolster your case.

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    Document damages

    We will compile a record of all your expenses and calculate the damages you are owed. This will include economic and noneconomic losses sustained up to the present, as well as future anticipated losses you may face due to your injuries. If multiple parties were responsible for your accident, we will pursue every source of compensation.

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    Negotiate a settlement

    We will aggressively negotiate with the at-fault party and their insurers to ensure a fair settlement on your behalf. Insurance companies will use all sorts of maneuvers to reduce the size of your settlement. Our injury attorneys know how to strike back and will not back down until a fair settlement is reached.

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    Take your case to court

    If a reasonable settlement cannot be reached, our attorneys are ready to litigate your case in court. Our legal team has decades of experience advocating at the negotiating table as well as before a judge and jury. 

Texas Personal Injury

How Do You Establish Liability in a Personal Injury Claim?

To secure compensation through a personal injury claim, you will need to prove by a preponderance of the evidence that the defendant was responsible (“liable”) for the incident that caused your injuries and other losses. In most personal injury cases, this requires showing that the at-fault party was negligent. More on this is below. 

However, it is not enough to show that someone caused an accident. You will also need to demonstrate that you suffered harm as a result. Your compensation (“damages”) will be calculated based on the extent and severity of the harm suffered. 

What Is Negligence in Dallas?

Though not all, most personal injury cases are based on the legal concept of negligence. In law, negligence arises when someone fails to exercise the same level of caution that a reasonable person would show in a similar situation. 

For example, failure to adjust your speed when driving in inclement weather likely counts as negligence. If the negligent driver causes an accident, they will be held responsible for compensating injured victims. A plaintiff who files a personal injury lawsuit based on negligence must normally show that the defendant’s failure to uphold their legal duty to use reasonable care caused the plaintiff’s injuries.

However, in some cases, plaintiffs may also rely on a distinct legal theory known as negligence per se. Negligence per se occurs when someone violates a law specifically put in place to keep people safe. If such a violation results in an accident the statute sought to prevent, injured plaintiffs need only prove that the violation occurred and caused their injuries. 

Do I Have to Speak to the At-Fault Party’s Insurer?

No. There is no law requiring you to speak with the at-fault party’s insurer after an accident. In fact, speaking to their insurer is risky unless you know exactly what to say and what not to say. A single slip-up could give an adjuster everything they need to shirk their company’s responsibility to pay your claim. 

Instead, you should let your personal injury attorney do the talking. A knowledgeable injury lawyer can handle all communication with the at-fault party’s insurer for you, sparing you from dealing with tricky adjusters and worrying about watching everything you say.

Do I Have to Report Accidents to My Own Insurer in Dallas?

Your auto insurance policy most likely requires that you notify your provider any time you are involved in an accident that may be covered through a first-party claim. Though the deadline will vary from policy to policy, you are normally contractually obligated to report accidents within 30-60 days. Be sure to read your policy carefully, as failure to comply with the deadline can eliminate your coverage.

What If I Am Partially Responsible for the Accident in Dallas?

If you were partially responsible for an accident, you may be wondering whether you can still recover compensation. Fortunately, yes. Texas courts deploy a concept known as comparative negligence (also referred to as “proportionate responsibility”). Under this rule, injury victims can recover compensation for personal injuries so long as they were not 50 percent or more responsible for the underlying cause of the accident. 

However, the amount of money they are entitled to be reduced proportionately to their degree of fault beneath 50 percent. For instance, if a plaintiff was 25 percent responsible for a car accident that left them with $100,000 in medical expenses and property damage, the most they could recover would be $75,000.

What Do You Have to Prove in a Dallas Personal Injury Claim?

To pursue a personal injury claim, you will need to prove that the other party was at fault for the accident or event that caused your injuries. In other words, you need to establish that the other party was “liable” for your related losses. Specifically, you will need to show that the other party was negligent, meaning they failed to use reasonable care to avoid injuring others.

In addition, you will need to demonstrate that you suffered losses as a result of the accident, such as medical expenses, property damage, lost income, and intangible losses such as pain and suffering.

How Much Does a Dallas Personal Injury Attorney Cost?

At The Wilhite Law Firm, we offer our legal services on a contingency basis. This means you pay nothing out-of-pocket for us to start working on your case. We cover the up-front costs of pursuing your claim, and you pay nothing unless we win your case. To make sure there are no surprises down the road, we are paid a prearranged percentage of the amount we ultimately recover on your behalf.

How Much Is Your Dallas Personal Injury Claim Worth?

Every personal injury case is unique. The amount of compensation you can recover will depend on many factors, including the severity of your injuries, the extent of your losses, the circumstances of the accident that injured you, and the number of liable parties.

Compensation is designed to cover various losses resulting from the injury, including:

  • Present and future medical expenses related to your injuries, including hospital bills, physical therapy, diagnostic tests, treatments, procedures, prescription medications, lodging, and meals
  • Lost wages if you are unable to return to work due to the nature of your injury, as well as reduced earning capacity for the future
  • Pain and suffering, which includes the non-economic damages you’ve endured, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), loss of enjoyment of life, emotional anguish, and mental distress

What Is the Deadline for Filing a Personal Injury Claim in Texas?

Each state limits the time injury victims have to file a lawsuit through a law known as the statute of limitations. In Texas, the law typically gives only two years from the date of the accident to file a personal injury lawsuit in court. If you fail to file your lawsuit by the deadline, your right to pursue compensation from the at-fault party will most likely be eliminated. You will also lose the upper hand in out-of-court settlement negotiations with the at-fault party and their insurers. 

This strictly enforced law exists for several reasons. First, as time goes on, evidence can deteriorate or disappear, which can compromise a jury’s ability to come to a fair and just decision. Second, it encourages injured parties to bring their claim sooner than later, sparing defendants from the never-ending threat of a lawsuit. Third, it prevents courts from being inundated by years-old cases.

Can the Filing Deadline Be Extended?

Yes, the deadline set by the statute of limitations can be extended in limited circumstances. For example, the usual two-year deadline for filing personal injury claims may be extended in cases where:

  • The injured person is under 18 when the accident occurred
  • The injured person is mentally incapacitated when the accident occurred
  • The at-fault party leaves the state
  • The at-fault party conceals their culpability 
  • The injuries are not discoverable until some time passed after the accident

To determine whether any of these exceptions apply to your case, it is best to speak to a personal injury attorney sooner than later.

What Are Some Common Injuries That Give Rise to Personal Injury Claims?

Accidents can result in a wide variety of injuries. They range from minor to catastrophic. Catastrophic injuries are typically defined as sudden, life-altering injuries with long-term consequences.

Common personal injury examples include:

  • Spinal cord injuries (SCIs)
  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs)
  • Broken and fractured bones
  • Amputations
  • Burns and electrocutions
  • Facial and dental injuries
  • Internal bleeding and organ damage

Even if you do not think your injuries are serious, you should still consult with a doctor as soon as possible after the accident. This is because some compensable injuries do not appear until after some time has passed after the accident. Visiting a doctor early on will ensure that none are overlooked.

Car accident image

Common Types of Catastrophic Injuries in Dallas

Catastrophic injuries are typically defined as sudden, life-altering injuries with long-term consequences. Some common catastrophic injuries include:

Some common catastrophic injuries include:

Even if you do not think your injuries are serious, you should still consult with a doctor as soon as possible after the accident. This is because some compensable injuries do not appear until after some time has passed after the accident. Visiting a doctor early on will ensure that none are overlooked.

Dallas map

Communities We Serve in Dallas

At The Wilhite Law Firm, our Dallas personal injury legal team proudly serves clients throughout Texas. With a special focus on the DFW metroplex, we have extensive experience serving clients in the following communities and beyond:

  • Dallas
  • Fort Worth
  • Arlington
  • Plano
  • Grapevine
  • Irving
  • Mesquite
  • Garland
  • Carrollton
  • Frisco
  • Denton

What Kinds of Personal Injury Cases Do We Handle?

Our Dallas personal injury attorneys have decades of experience handling a wide variety of personal injury matters. Get in touch with us today for help with personal injury cases involving:
If you have questions about the types of personal injury cases we handle,
feel free to contact our firm today to discuss your specific case.

What Should I Do to Protect My Rights After an Accident in Dallas?

If you have been involved in an accident in Dallas, it is important to know what your rights are and how to protect them. Following an accident, take the following steps where possible:

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    Report the accident

    Reporting your accident to the proper authority is a good first step toward safeguarding your rights. If you were injured in a car accident, for example, you would report the crash to law enforcement. And if you were injured in a slip and fall accident, you would report the accident to the property owner. An accident report will serve as an official record of what occurred.

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    Seek prompt medical treatment

    Seek medical treatment as soon as possible. You have a right to pursue compensation if your accident was caused by someone else’s negligence, but you will need thorough documentation of your injuries and treatment to substantiate your legal claim.

  • Document the scene

    Take photos and videos of the scene of the accident. Having a visual record of the accident’s location and aftermath can greatly strengthen your case against the at-fault party.

  • Hold on to important correspondence and records

    Be sure to gather all documents, records, correspondence, and any other important sources of information related to the accident and your losses. This may include a copy of the accident report, medical records, medical receipts, pay stubs, and more.

  • Refrain from posting updates on social media

    While your case is pending, avoid posting updates on your social media accounts, as these are often reviewed by insurance companies looking for evidence to refute or minimize your claim.

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    Don’t accept the insurance company’s first offer

    Soon after the accident, the at-fault party’s insurance company might offer you a quick settlement. However, you shouldn’t accept the settlement without consulting with an attorney first. The settlement may seem generous at first glance, but it is likely much less than you deserve. Insurance companies will do everything they can to minimize the amount they must pay you.

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    Consult with an attorney

    Working with a car accident lawyer is the best way to safeguard your rights after an accident. Not only can our attorneys advocate for your rights throughout the legal process, but they will provide you with sound legal advice and help you craft a strong case strategy. A good personal injury lawyer will defend your rights every step of the way and work tirelessly to help you pursue the full and fair compensation you deserve.

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Talk to a Skilled Dallas Personal Injury Lawyer Today

If you have been injured due to someone else’s carelessness, you may be entitled to recover substantial legal compensation from the at-fault party. Call The Wilhite Law Firm today to get started on the road toward full and fair compensation. 

Our Dallas personal injury lawyers have the knowledge and skills needed to thoroughly investigate your case, identify all liable parties, calculate the compensation you are rightfully owed, and aggressively fight for it on your behalf. 

As you focus on recovering from your injuries, let us work on securing the financial compensation you deserve. Contact us right away for a free, no-obligation consultation.